2024-08-20 16:37:41,763 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: alter table `tabDocType` add column if not exists migration_hash varchar(140) 2024-08-20 16:37:43,128 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: ALTER TABLE `tabPatch Log` ADD COLUMN `skipped` int(1) not null default 0, ADD COLUMN `traceback` longtext 2024-08-20 16:37:44,340 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: create table `tabDocType State` ( name varchar(140) primary key, creation datetime(6), modified datetime(6), modified_by varchar(140), owner varchar(140), docstatus int(1) not null default '0', idx int(8) not null default '0', `title` varchar(140), `color` varchar(140) default 'Blue', `custom` int(1) not null default 0, parent varchar(140), parentfield varchar(140), parenttype varchar(140), index parent(parent)) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC CHARACTER SET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci 2024-08-20 16:50:55,522 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: alter table `tabDocType` add column if not exists migration_hash varchar(140) 2024-08-20 17:06:18,872 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: alter table `tabDocType` add column if not exists migration_hash varchar(140) 2024-08-20 17:14:50,782 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: alter table `tabDocType` add column if not exists migration_hash varchar(140) 2024-08-20 17:22:59,359 WARNING database DDL Query made to DB: alter table `tabDocType` add column if not exists migration_hash varchar(140)