% Hyphenation patterns for Basque. % This file has been written by Juan M. Aguirregabiria % (wtpagagj@lg.ehu.es) on February 1997 and is based % on the shyphen.sh script that generates the Spanish patterns % as compiled by Julio Sanchez (jsanchez@gmv.es) on September 1991. % The original Copyright follows and applies also to this file % whose last version will be always available by anonymous ftp % from tp.lc.ehu.es or by poynting your Web browser to % http://tp.lc.ehu.es/basque.html % % Hyphenation patterns for Spanish. % Compiled by Julio Sanchez (jsanchez@gmv.es) on September 1991. % These patterns have been derived from "On Word Division in Spanish", % Jos'e A. Ma~nas, Communications of the ACM, and implemented in his % package ftc. You can get ftc and a draft of the abovementioned % paper from goya.dit.upm.es in src/text.proc/ftc.Z. FTP access may % be available. Otherwise, send help to info@goya.dit.upm.es for % details on use of the mail server. % % Rules mentioned below are those described in that paper. After % several unsatisfactory attempts to pretend I knew better, these % patterns closely follow that paper. Pattern 'tl' is not considered. % It is conflictive and ftc does not use it either. % % These patterns have been generated by shyphen.sh version 1.0, % shyphen.sh is a sh script that allows a number of choices. % Full benefit from some of these options can only be % obtained if appropriate fonts are available. % % Follows a copyright notice. This is not in the public domain, % but the copyright is essentially a hold-harmless clause. That % is, use it at will, but don't sue me if you don't like it. % % COPYRIGHT NOTICE % % These patterns and the generating sh script are Copyright (c) GMV 1991 % These patterns were developed for internal GMV use and are made % public in the hope that they will benefit others. Also, spreading % these patterns throughout the Spanish-language TeX community is % expected to provide back-benefits to GMV in that it can help keeping % GMV in the mainstream of spanish users. However, this is given % for free and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Under no circumstances can Julio % Sanchez, GMV, Jos'e A. Ma~nas or any agents or representatives thereof % be held responsible for any errors in this software nor for any damages % derived from its use, even in case any of the above has been notified % of the possibility of such damages. If any such situation arises, you % responsible for repair. Use of this software is an explicit % acceptance of these conditions. % % You can use this software for any purpose. You cannot delete this % copyright notice. If you change this software, you must include % comments explaining who, when and why. You are kindly requested to % send any changes to tex@gmv.es. If you change the generating % script, you must include code in it such that any output is clearly % labeled as generated by a modified script. % % Despite the lack of warranty, we would like to hear about any % problem you find. Please report problems to tex@gmv.es. % % END OF COPYRIGHT NOTICE % % Options included in this set: basic % Open vowels: a e o % Closed vowels: i u % Consonants: b c d f g j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z % % Some of the patterns below represent combinations that never % happen in Basque. Would they happen, they would be hyphenated % according to the rules. % This keeps {cat|lc}code changes, if any, local. Nice to users of % multilingual versions. These are the minimum changes needed to process % the patterns. These and other changes will have to be re-enacted when % Basque be established as the current language. See the babel docs if % you don't understand this.