id: 17 name: user.input.php category: MyComponent properties: null ----- tags and submit button) in a single string. * * The form will be shown to the user during install * * This example presents an HTML form to the user with two input fields * (you can have as many as you like). * * The user's entries in the form's input field(s) will be available * in any php resolvers with $modx->getOption('field_name', $options, 'default_value'). * * You can use the value(s) to set system settings, snippet properties, * chunk content, etc. based on the user's preferences. * * One common use is to use a checkbox and ask the * user if they would like to install a resource for your * component (usually used only on install, not upgrade). */ /* This is an example. Modify it to meet your needs. * The user's input would be available in a resolver like this: * * $changeSiteName = (! empty($modx->getOption('change_sitename', $options, '')); * $siteName = $modx->getOption('sitename', $options, ''). * * */ $output = '


Setting this option will do nothing because there is no resolver that acts on it.





'; return $output;