id: 71 name: sample.GoodNewsSubscriptionBoxTpl description: 'The template code for a GoodNews subscription box to be placed somewhere on you site. Duplicate this to override it.' category: GoodNews properties: null ----- [[!GoodNewsSubscription? &submittedResourceId=`[[!GoodNewsGetResourceID? &pagetitle=`GoodNews Subscription Mail Sent`]]` &activationResourceId=`[[!GoodNewsGetResourceID? &pagetitle=`GoodNews Subscription Confirm`]]` &activationEmailTpl=`sample.GoodNewsActivationEmailTpl` &activationEmailSubject=`Thank you for joining our newsletter service at [[++site_name]]` &sendSubscriptionEmail=`1` &unsubscribeResourceId=`[[!GoodNewsGetResourceID? &pagetitle=`GoodNews Unsubscribe`]]` &profileResourceId=`[[!GoodNewsGetResourceID? &pagetitle=`GoodNews Subscription Update`]]` &subscriptionEmailSubject=`Your subscription to our newsletter service at [[++site_name]] was successful!` &reSubscriptionEmailSubject=`Existing user profile or newsletter subscription found!` &reSubscriptionEmailTpl=`sample.GoodNewsReSubscriptionEmailTpl` &validate=` email:email:required, gdprcheck:required` &defaultGroups=`1` &gdprcheck.vTextRequired=`You need to agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.` ]] [[- Samples of other available configuration parameters: (Please read the documentation for a full list of parameters) &defaultGroups=`1` &includeGroups=`4,6` &defaultCategories=`3,36,40,48` &gongroups.vTextRequired=`Please choose at least one mailing group.` &goncategories.vTextRequired=`Please choose at least one category of your interest.` PLEASE NOTE: If you use the &defaultCategories param, you don't need the &defaultGroups param! (all groups will be selected automatically based on their corresponding categories) If you'd like to use groups AND categories, you need to use this &validate params: &validate=` email:email:required, gonctegories:required, gdprcheck:required` and set: &groupsOnly=`0` ]]

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[[!+fields_hidden:is=`1`:then=` [[!+grpcatfieldsets]] `:else=`

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[[!+error.gongroups]] [[!+error.goncategories]]
`]] [[!+config_error:is=`1`:then=`
Snippet configuration error: Please check your GoodNewsSubscription Snippet configuration!
[[!+error.gdprcheck]] I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

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