id: 52 name: cmp.grid.tpl category: MyComponent properties: null ----- /** * JS file for [[+packageName]] extra * * Copyright 2013 by Bob Ray * Created on 04-13-2013 * * [[+packageName]] is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * [[+packageName]] is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * [[+packageName]]; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * @package [[+packageNameLower]] */ /* These are for LexiconHelper: $modx->lexicon->load('[[+packageNameLower]]:default'); include '[[+packageNameLower]].class.php' */ [[+packageName]].grid.[[+Element]]s = function (config) { config = config || {}; = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(); Ext.applyIf(config, { url: [[+packageName]].config.connector_url , baseParams: { action: 'mgr/[[+element]]/getlist' ,thread: config.thread } , pageSize: 300 , fields: [ {name:'id', sortType:} , {name: 'name', sortType:} , {name: 'category', sortType:} , {name: 'description'} ] , paging: true , autosave: false , remoteSort: false , autoExpandColumn: 'description' , cls: '[[+packageNameLower]]-grid' , sm: , columns: [, { header: _('id') ,dataIndex: 'id' ,sortable: true ,width: 50 }, { header: _('name') ,dataIndex: 'name' ,sortable: true ,width: 100 }, { header: _('category'), dataIndex: 'category', sortable: true, width: 120 }, { header: _('description') , dataIndex: 'description' , sortable: false , width: 300 }] ,viewConfig: { forceFit: true, enableRowBody: true, showPreview: true, getRowClass: function (rec, ri, p) { var cls = '[[+packageNameLower]]-row'; if (this.showPreview) { return cls + ' [[+packageNameLower]]-resource-expanded'; } return cls + ' [[+packageNameLower]]-resource-collapsed'; } } , tbar: [{ text: 'Bulk Actions' , menu: this.getBatchMenu() } ,{xtype: 'tbspacer', width: 200} ,{ xtype: 'button' , id: '[[+packageNameLower]]-[[+element]]s-reload' , text: 'reload' , listeners: { 'click': {fn: this.reload[[+Element]]s, scope: this} } } ] }); [[+packageName]].grid.[[+Element]], config) }; Ext.extend([[+packageName]].grid.[[+Element]]s, MODx.grid.Grid, { reload[[+Element]]s: function () { this.getStore().baseParams = { action: 'mgr/[[+element]]/getList' ,orphanSearch: 'mod[[+Element]]' }; this.getBottomToolbar().changePage(1); this.refresh(); } , _showMenu: function (g, ri, e) { e.stopEvent(); e.preventDefault(); = this.getStore().getAt(ri).data; if (!this.getSelectionModel().isSelected(ri)) { this.getSelectionModel().selectRow(ri); }; var m = []; if ( { m =; if (m.length > 0) { this.addContextMenuItem(m);; } } else { var z = this.getBatchMenu(); for (var zz = 0; zz < z.length; zz++) {[zz]); }; } } , getSelectedAsList: function () { var sels = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections(); if (sels.length <= 0) return false; var cs = ''; for (var i = 0; i < sels.length; i++) { cs += ',' + sels[i]; } cs = Ext.util.Format.substr(cs, 1); return cs; } , changeCategory: function (btn, e) { var cs = this.getSelectedAsList(); if (cs === false) return false; var r = {ids: cs}; if (!this.changeCategoryWindow) { this.changeCategoryWindow = MODx.load({ xtype: '[[+packageNameLower]]-[[+element]]-window-change-category' , record: r , listeners: { 'success': {fn: function (r) { // this.refresh(); var sels = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections(); var cat = Ext.getCmp('[[+packageNameLower]]-[[+element]]-category-combo').lastSelectionText; var s = this.getStore(); for (var i = 0; i < sels.length; i = i + 1) { var id = sels[i].get('id'); var ri = id; var record = s.getById(ri); record.set("category", cat); record.commit(); } this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(false); }, scope: this} } }); } this.changeCategoryWindow.setValues(r);; return true; } , [[+element]]Remove: function () { var cs = this.getSelectedAsList(); if (cs === false) return false; MODx.msg.confirm({ title: _('[[+packageNameLower]].delete') , text: _('[[+packageNameLower]].confirm_delete') , url: this.config.url , params: { action: 'mgr/[[+element]]/remove' , ids: cs } , listeners: { 'success': {fn: function (r) { // this.refresh(); var sels = this.getSelectionModel().getSelections(); if (sels.length <= 0) return false; var s = this.getStore(); for (var i = 0; i < sels.length; i = i + 1) { var id = sels[i].get('id'); var ri = id; var record = s.getById(ri); s.remove(record); } } , scope: this} , 'failure': {fn: function (r) { MODx.msg.alert(); } , scope: this} } }); return true; } , getBatchMenu: function () { var bm = []; bm.push( { text: _('new_category') , handler: this.changeCategory , scope: this } , '-' , { text: _('remove_[[+element]]')+'(s)' ,handler: this.[[+element]]Remove , scope: this }); return bm; } }); Ext.reg('[[+packageNameLower]]-grid-[[+element]]', [[+packageName]].grid.[[+Element]]s); [[+packageName]].window.ChangeCategory = function (config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config, { title: _('new_category') , url: [[+packageName]].config.connector_url , baseParams: { action: 'mgr/[[+element]]/changecategory' } ,width: 400 ,fields: [{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: '[[+element]]s' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-category' ,id: '[[+packageNameLower]]-[[+element]]-category-combo' ,fieldLabel: _('category') ,name: 'category' ,hiddenName: 'category' ,anchor: '90%' }] }); [[+packageName]], config); }; Ext.extend([[+packageName]].window.ChangeCategory, MODx.Window); Ext.reg('[[+packageNameLower]]-[[+element]]-window-change-category', [[+packageName]].window.ChangeCategory);