id: 38 name: build.transport.php category: MyComponent properties: 'a:0:{}' ----- * Created on 10-23-2012 * * MyComponent is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * MyComponent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * MyComponent; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package mycomponent * @subpackage build */ /** * This is the template for the build script, which creates the * file for your extra. * */ /* See the tutorial at http:// * for more detailed information about using the package. */ /* config file must be retrieved in a class */ if (!class_exists('BuildHelper')) { class BuildHelper { /** @var $modx modX */ protected $modx; /** @var $files array - array of files; created by dir_walk */ protected $files = array(); /** @var $props array - properties array */ protected $props = array(); public function __construct(&$modx) { /* @var $modx modX */ $this->modx =& $modx; } public function getProps($configPath) { $properties = @include $configPath; $this->props = $properties; return $properties; } public function sendLog($level, $message) { $msg = ''; if ($level == modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) { $msg .= $this->modx->lexicon('mc_error') . ' -- '; } $msg .= $message; $msg .= "\n"; if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { $msg = nl2br($msg); } echo $msg; } /** * Recursively search directories for certain file types * Adapted from boen dot robot at gmail dot com's code on the scandir man page * @param $dir - dir to search (no trailing slash) * @param mixed $types - null for all files, or a comma-separated list of strings * the filename must include (e.g., '.php,.class') * @param bool $recursive - if false, only searches $dir, not it's descendants * @param string $baseDir - used internally -- do not send */ public function dirWalk($dir, $types = null, $recursive = false, $baseDir = '') { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') { continue; } // $this->output .= "\n" , $dir; //$this->output .= "\n", $file; if (is_file($dir . '/' . $file)) { if ($types !== null) { $found = false; $typeArray = explode(',', $types); foreach ($typeArray as $type) { if (strstr($file, $type)) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) continue; } // $this->{$callback}($dir, $file); $this->addFile($dir, $file); } elseif ($recursive && is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) { $this->dirWalk($dir . '/' . $file, $types, $recursive, $baseDir . '/' . $file); } } closedir($dh); } } /** * Used by dirWalk() to add files to $this->files * @param $dir string - directory of file (no trailing slash) * @param $file string - filename of file */ public function addFile($dir, $file) { $this->files[$file] = $dir; } /** * Empties $this->files prior to dirWalk */ public function resetFiles() { $this->files = array(); } /** * Get files found by dirWalk * * @return array */ public function getFiles() { return $this->files; } /** * @param $minimizerFile string - Which minimizer: JSMinPlus or JSMin * @param $dir string - dir to search (no trailing slash) * @param bool $createJsAll - If true, create packageNameLower . '-all-min.js' */ public function mc_minify($minimizerFile, $dir, $createJsAll = false) { $dir = rtrim($dir, '/'); $this->resetFiles(); $all = ''; $this->dirWalk($dir , '.js', true); $usePlus = stripos($minimizerFile, 'plus') !== false; $minClass = $usePlus? 'JSMinPlus' : 'JSMin'; $files = $this->getFiles(); require dirname(__FILE__) . '/utilities/' . $minimizerFile; $this->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $this->modx->lexicon('mc_creating_js_min_files') . ' (' . $this->modx->lexicon('mc_using') . ' ' . $minClass . ')'); foreach ($files as $fileName => $path) { /* don't minify minimized files */ if (strpos($fileName, 'min.js') !== false) { continue; } $code = file_get_contents($path . '/' . $fileName); $code = $usePlus ? $minClass::minify($code, $fileName) : $minClass::minify($code); if ($createJsAll) { /* JSMin writes its own "\n" */ $jend = $usePlus? "\n" : ''; /* Add filename in comment for debugging */ $all .= "\n/* " . $fileName . '*/' . $jend . $code; } $outFile = $path . '/' . str_ireplace('.js', '-min.js', $fileName); $fp = fopen($outFile, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $code); fclose($fp); $this->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $this->modx->lexicon('mc_updated') . ': ' . $outFile); } else { $this->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $this->modx->lexicon('mc_could_not_open') . ': ' . $outFile); } } if ($createJsAll) { $pnl = $this->modx->getOption('packageNameLower', $this->props, 'jsfile'); $allFile = $pnl . '-all-min.js'; $outFile = $dir . '/' . $allFile; $fp = fopen($outFile, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $all); $this->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $this->modx->lexicon('mc_updated') . ': ' . $outFile); fclose($fp); } else { $this->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $this->modx->lexicon('mc_could_not_open') . ': ' . $outFile); } } } } } /* set start time */ $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $tstart = $mtime; set_time_limit(0); /* Instantiate MODx -- if this require fails, check your * _build/build.config.php file */ require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_build/build.config.php'; if ( (! isset($modx)) || (! $modx instanceof modX) ) { require_once MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/modx/modx.class.php'; $modx = new modX(); $modx->initialize('mgr'); $modx->getService('error', 'error.modError', '', ''); } $modx->lexicon->load('mycomponent:default'); $modx->setLogLevel(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO); $modx->setLogTarget(XPDO_CLI_MODE ? 'ECHO' : 'HTML'); if (!defined('MODX_CORE_PATH')) { session_write_close(); die('build.config.php is not correct'); } @include dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/current.project.php'; if (!$currentProject) { session_write_close(); die('Could not get current project'); } $helper = new BuildHelper($modx); $modx->lexicon->load('mycomponent:default'); $props = $helper->getProps(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/' . $currentProject . '.config.php'); if (!is_array($props)) { session_write_close(); die($modx->lexicon('mc_no_config_file')); } $criticalSettings = array( 'packageNameLower', 'packageName', 'version', 'release' ); foreach ($criticalSettings as $setting) { if (!isset($setting)) { session_write_close(); die($modx->lexicon('mc_critical_setting_not_set') . ': ' . $setting); } } if (strpos($props['packageNameLower'], '-') || strpos($props['packageNameLower'], ' ')) { session_write_close(); die ($modx->lexicon("mc_space_hyphen_warning")); } /* Set package info. These are initially set from the the the project config * but feel free to hard-code them for future versions */ define('PKG_NAME', $props['packageName']); define('PKG_NAME_LOWER', $props['packageNameLower']); define('PKG_VERSION', $props['version']); define('PKG_RELEASE', $props['release']); /* define sources */ $root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'; $sources = array( 'root' => $root, 'build' => $root . '_build/', 'config' => $root . '_build/config/', 'utilities' => $root . '_build/utilities/', /* note that the next two must not have a trailing slash */ 'source_core' => $root . 'core/components/' . PKG_NAME_LOWER, 'source_assets' => $root . 'assets/components/' . PKG_NAME_LOWER, 'resolvers' => $root . '_build/resolvers/', 'validators' => $root . '_build/validators/', 'data' => $root . '_build/data/', 'docs' => $root . 'core/components/' . PKG_NAME_LOWER . '/docs/', 'install_options' => $root . '_build/install.options/', 'subpackages' => $root . '_build/subpackages/', ); unset($root); $categories = include $sources['build'] . 'config/categories.php'; if (empty ($categories) || (!is_array($categories))) { session_write_close(); die ($modx->lexicon('no_categories')); } /* Set package options - you can set these manually, but it's * recommended to let them be generated automatically */ $hasAssets = is_dir($sources['source_assets']); /* Transfer the files in the assets dir. */ $hasCore = is_dir($sources['source_core']); /* Transfer the files in the core dir. */ $hasContexts = file_exists($sources['data'] . 'transport.contexts.php'); $hasResources = file_exists($sources['data'] . 'transport.resources.php'); $hasValidators = is_dir($sources['build'] . 'validators'); /* Run a validators before installing anything */ $hasResolvers = is_dir($sources['build'] . 'resolvers'); $hasSetupOptions = is_dir($sources['install_options']); /* HTML/PHP script to interact with user */ $hasMenu = file_exists($sources['data'] . 'transport.menus.php'); /* Add items to the MODx Top Menu */ $hasSettings = file_exists($sources['data'] . 'transport.settings.php'); /* Add new MODx System Settings */ $hasContextSettings = file_exists($sources['data'] . 'transport.contextsettings.php'); $hasSubPackages = is_dir($sources['subpackages']); $minifyJS = $modx->getOption('minifyJS', $props, false); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "\n" . $modx->lexicon('mc_project') . ': ' . $currentProject); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_action') . ': ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_build') ); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_created_package') . ': ' . PKG_NAME_LOWER . '-' . PKG_VERSION . '-' . PKG_RELEASE); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "\n" . $modx->lexicon('mc_created_namespace') . ': ' . PKG_NAME_LOWER); /* load builder */ $modx->setLogLevel(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); $modx->loadClass('transport.modPackageBuilder', '', false, true); $builder = new modPackageBuilder($modx); $builder->createPackage(PKG_NAME_LOWER, PKG_VERSION, PKG_RELEASE); $assetsPath = $hasAssets ? '{assets_path}components/' . PKG_NAME_LOWER . '/' : ''; $builder->registerNamespace(PKG_NAME_LOWER, false, true, '{core_path}components/' . PKG_NAME_LOWER . '/', $assetsPath); $modx->setLogLevel(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO); /* Transport Contexts */ if ($hasContexts) { $contexts = include $sources['data'] . 'transport.contexts.php'; if (!is_array($contexts)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $modx->lexicon('mc_contexts_not_an_array')); } else { $attributes = array( xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'key', xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => true, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, ); foreach ($contexts as $context) { $vehicle = $builder->createVehicle($context, $attributes); $builder->putVehicle($vehicle); } $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($contexts) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_new_contexts') . '.'); unset($contexts, $context, $attributes); } } /* Transport Resources */ if ($hasResources) { $resources = include $sources['data'] . 'transport.resources.php'; if (!is_array($resources)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $modx->lexicon('mc_resources_not_an_array') . '.'); } else { $attributes = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'pagetitle', xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECTS => true, xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES => array( 'ContentType' => array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'name', ), ), ); foreach ($resources as $resource) { $vehicle = $builder->createVehicle($resource, $attributes); $builder->putVehicle($vehicle); } $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($resources) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_resources') . '.'); } unset($resources, $resource, $attributes); } /* load new system settings */ if ($hasSettings) { $settings = include $sources['data'] . 'transport.settings.php'; if (!is_array($settings)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $modx->lexicon('mc_settings_not_an_array') . '.'); } else { $attributes = array( xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'key', xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => true, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => false, ); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $vehicle = $builder->createVehicle($setting, $attributes); $builder->putVehicle($vehicle); } $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($settings) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_new_system_settings') . '.'); unset($settings, $setting, $attributes); } } /* load new context settings */ if ($hasContextSettings) { $settings = include $sources['data'] . 'transport.contextsettings.php'; if (!is_array($settings)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $modx->lexicon('mc_context_settings_not_an_array') . '.'); } else { $attributes = array( xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'key', xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => true, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => false, ); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $vehicle = $builder->createVehicle($setting, $attributes); $builder->putVehicle($vehicle); } $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($settings) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_context_settings') . '.'); unset($settings, $setting, $attributes); } } /* minify JS */ if ($minifyJS) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'Creating js-min file(s)'); $usePlus = $modx->getOption('useJSMinPlus', $props, false); $minimizer = $usePlus? 'jsminplus.class.php' : 'jsmin.class.php'; $dir = $sources['source_assets'] . '/js'; $jsAll = $modx->getOption('createJSMinAll', $props, false); $helper->mc_minify($minimizer, $dir, $jsAll); } /* Create each Category and its Elements */ $i = 0; $count = count($categories); foreach ($categories as $k => $categoryName) { /* @var $categoryName string */ $categoryNameLower = strtolower($categoryName); /* See what we have based on the files */ $hasSnippets = file_exists($sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.snippets.php'); $hasChunks = file_exists($sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.chunks.php'); $hasTemplates = file_exists($sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.templates.php'); $hasTemplateVariables = file_exists($sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/'); $hasPlugins = file_exists($sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.plugins.php'); $hasPropertySets = file_exists($sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.propertysets.php'); /* @var $category modCategory */ $category = $modx->newObject('modCategory'); $i++; /* will be 1 for the first category */ $category->set('id', $i); $category->set('category', $categoryName); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_creating_category') . ': ' . $categoryName); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_processing_elements_in_category') . ': ' . $categoryName); /* add snippets */ if ($hasSnippets) { $snippets = include $sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.snippets.php'; /* note: Snippets' default properties are set in transport.snippets.php */ if (is_array($snippets)) { if ($category->addMany($snippets, 'Snippets')) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($snippets) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_snippets') . '.'); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_snippets_failed') . '.'); } } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_non_array_in') . ' transport.snippets.php'); } } if ($hasPropertySets) { $propertySets = include $sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower .'/transport.propertysets.php'; // note: property set' properties are set in transport.propertysets.php if (is_array($propertySets)) { if ($category->addMany($propertySets, 'PropertySets')) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($propertySets) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_property_sets') . '.'); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_property_sets_failed') . '.'); } } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_non_array_in') . ' transport.propertysets.php'); } } if ($hasChunks) { /* add chunks */ $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'Adding Chunks.'); /* note: Chunks' default properties are set in transport.chunks.php */ $chunks = include $sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower .'/transport.chunks.php'; if (is_array($chunks)) { if ($category->addMany($chunks, 'Chunks')) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($chunks) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_chunks') . '.'); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_chunks_failed') . '.'); } } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_non_array_in') . ' transport.chunks.php'); } } if ($hasTemplates) { /* add templates */ $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_templates') . '.'); /* note: Templates' default properties are set in transport.templates.php */ $templates = include $sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower .'/transport.templates.php'; if (is_array($templates)) { if ($category->addMany($templates, 'Templates')) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($templates) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_templates') . '.'); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_templates_failed') . '.'); } } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_non_array_in') . ' transport.templates.php'); } } if ($hasTemplateVariables) { /* add template variables */ $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_template_variables') . '.'); /* note: Template Variables' default properties are set in */ $tvs = include $sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower .'/'; if (is_array($tvs)) { if ($category->addMany($tvs, 'TemplateVars')) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($tvs) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_tvs') . '.'); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_tvs_failed') . '.'); } } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_non_array_in') . ''); } } if ($hasPlugins) { /* Plugins' default properties are set in transport.plugins.php */ $plugins = include $sources['data'] . $categoryNameLower . '/transport.plugins.php'; if (is_array($plugins)) { if ($category->addMany($plugins, 'Plugins')) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($plugins) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_plugins') . '.'); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_adding_plugins_failed') . '.'); } } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_non_array_in') . ' transport.plugins.php'); } } /* Create Category attributes array dynamically * based on which elements are present */ $attr = array( xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'category', xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECTS => true, ); /* Only add this on first pass if no subPackages */ if ($hasValidators && ($i == 1) && (!$hasSubPackages)) { $attr[xPDOTransport::ABORT_INSTALL_ON_VEHICLE_FAIL] = true; } if ($hasSnippets) { $attr[xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES]['Snippets'] = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'name', ); } if ($hasPropertySets) { $attr[xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES]['PropertySets'] = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'name', ); } if ($hasChunks) { $attr[xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES]['Chunks'] = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'name', ); } if ($hasPlugins) { $attr[xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES]['Plugins'] = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'name', ); } if ($hasTemplates) { $attr[xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES]['Templates'] = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'templatename', ); } if ($hasTemplateVariables) { $attr[xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES]['TemplateVars'] = array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'name', ); } /* create a vehicle for the category and all the things * we've added to it. */ $vehicle = $builder->createVehicle($category, $attr); if ($hasValidators && $i == 1) { /* only install these on first pass */ $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_processing_validators')); $validators = empty($props['validators']) ? array() : $props['validators']; if (!empty($validators)) { foreach ($validators as $validator) { if ($validator == 'default') { $validator = PKG_NAME_LOWER; } $file = $sources['validators'] . $validator . '.validator.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaging') . ' ' . $validator . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_validator') . '.'); $vehicle->validate('php', array( 'source' => $file, )); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $modx->lexicon('mc_could_not_find_validator_file') . ': ' . $file); } } } } if ($hasCore && $i == 1) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged_core_files')); $vehicle->resolve('file', array( 'source' => $sources['source_core'], 'target' => "return MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/';", )); } /* This section transfers every file in the local mycomponents/mycomponent/assets directory to the target site's assets/mycomponent directory on install. */ if ($hasAssets && $i == 1) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged_assets_files')); $vehicle->resolve('file', array( 'source' => $sources['source_assets'], 'target' => "return MODX_ASSETS_PATH . 'components/';", )); } /* Package script resolvers, if any */ if (($i == $count) && $hasResolvers) { /* add resolvers to last category only */ $resolvers = empty($props['resolvers']) ? array() : $props['resolvers']; $resolvers = array_merge(array( 'category', 'plugin', 'tv', 'resource', 'propertyset' ), $resolvers); $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_processing_resolvers')); foreach ($resolvers as $resolver) { if ($resolver == 'default') { $resolver = PKG_NAME_LOWER; } $file = $sources['resolvers'] . $resolver . '.resolver.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . $resolver . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_resolver') . '.'); $vehicle->resolve('php', array( 'source' => $sources['resolvers'] . $resolver . '.resolver.php', )); } else { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_no') . ' ' . $resolver . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_resolver') . '.'); } } } /* Put the category vehicle (with all the stuff we added to the * category) into the package */ $builder->putVehicle($vehicle); } /* Transport Menus */ if ($hasMenu) { /* load menu */ $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaging_menu') . '.'); $menus = include $sources['data'] . 'transport.menus.php'; foreach ($menus as $menu) { if (empty($menu)) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $modx->lexicon('mc_could_not_package_menu') . '.'); } else { $vehicle = $builder->createVehicle($menu, array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => true, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => 'text', xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECTS => true, xPDOTransport::RELATED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES => array( 'Action' => array( xPDOTransport::PRESERVE_KEYS => false, xPDOTransport::UPDATE_OBJECT => true, xPDOTransport::UNIQUE_KEY => array( 'namespace', 'controller' ), ), ), )); $builder->putVehicle($vehicle); unset($vehicle, $menu); } $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($menus) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_menu_items') . '.'); } $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_packaged') . ' ' . count($menus) . ' ' . $modx->lexicon('mc_menu_items') . '.'); } /* Next-to-last step - pack in the license file, readme.txt, changelog, * and setup options */ $attr = array( 'license' => file_get_contents($sources['docs'] . 'license.txt'), 'readme' => file_get_contents($sources['docs'] . 'readme.txt'), 'changelog' => file_get_contents($sources['docs'] . 'changelog.txt'), ); if ($hasSetupOptions && !empty($props['install.options'])) { $attr['setup-options'] = array( 'source' => $sources['install_options'] . 'user.input.php', ); } else { $attr['setup-options'] = array(); } $builder->setPackageAttributes($attr); /* Add subpackages */ if ($hasSubPackages) { $helper->sendLog(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_packaging_subpackages')); include $sources['data'] . 'transport.subpackages.php'; } /* Last step - zip up the package */ $builder->pack(); /* report how long it took */ $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $tend = $mtime; $totalTime = ($tend - $tstart); $totalTime = sprintf("%2.4f s", $totalTime); $helper->sendLog(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_package_built') . '.'); $helper->sendLog(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon('mc_execution_time') . ': ' . $totalTime); return '';